biography of David CHETHLAHE PALADIN (1926-1984)

Birth place: Chinle, AZ

Addresses: Prescott, AZ

Profession: Painter, designer

Studied: Santa Fe Indian Sch.; AIC.

Exhibited: Heard Mus., Phoenix, 1968 (solo); solo invitational, William Penn Mem. Mus., Harrisburg, 1969; Scottsdale (AZ) Indian Nat., 1969-72; Am. Indians Today, Mem. Mus., Santa Ana, CA, 1970; Martin Gal., Scottsdale, AZ, 1970s. Awards: spec. purchase award, 1969, first prize, 1970 & grand prize, 1971, Scottsdale Nat.

Member: Am. Craftsmen Council; Artists Equity Assn.; Am. Indian Designer Craftsmen (pres., 1968-69); Council Am. Indian Artists.

Work: William Penn Mem. Mus., Harrisburg, PA; U.S.Dept. Interior, Wash., DC; U.S. State Dept., Wash., DC; UNICEF, United Nations, NYC. Commissions: sand painted mural, Howard Johnson's, Detroit, MI, 1969; four tapestries, comn. by City of Phoenix for Phoenix (AZ) Civic Plaza, 1972.

Comments: Preferred media: acrylics, sand. Teaching: dir., fine arts workshop, Prescott Co., 1971-. Also appears as Paladin.

Sources: WW73; Peterson, "Indian Art 1970," KAET-TV, Phoenix, 1970; Jules Power," Chethlahe, Indian Artist," Discovery 1971, ABC-TV, 1971; Peterson, "3 Indians," KAET-TV, Phoenix, 1972.
