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Der Drache

Lot # 501


Woodcut/papier à la main

2 1/4 x 6 3/8 in 5.7 x 16.3 cm

Not sold Not sold Not sold Not sold Not sold Not sold Not sold Not sold Not sold Not sold
Estimate: € 400 $ 473 ₿ 0.0434 ⧫ 1.3487 £ 363 ¥ 3,166 ₪ (ILS) 1,605 KR (SEK) 4,193 CHF 434 $ CA 625 - € 600 $ 709 ₿ 0.0651 ⧫ 2.023 £ 545 ¥ 4,750 ₪ (ILS) 2,407 KR (SEK) 6,290 CHF 651 $ CA 937 (€ 400 - € 600 )
Art belge moderne
09 oct 2020
Brugge, Belgium
Notes: Roethel 18