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"Sans titre"

Lot # 370


Color poster (lithographique). Printed 1966

22 x 15 in 56 x 38 cm

Not sold Not sold Not sold Not sold Not sold Not sold Not sold Not sold Not sold Not sold
Estimate: € 30 $ 36 ₿ 0.0011 ⧫ 0.0262 £ 26 ¥ 234 ₪ (ILS) 119 KR (SEK) 302 CHF 32 $ CA 46 - € 50 $ 60 ₿ 0.0018 ⧫ 0.0437 £ 44 ¥ 390 ₪ (ILS) 198 KR (SEK) 504 CHF 54 $ CA 77 (€ 30 - € 50 )
Affiches - Estampes - Dessins - Tableaux modernes
01 feb 2021
Paris, France