biography of Jessie ANSBACHER (?-1964)

Birth place: Wilkes-Barre, PA

Death place: NYC

Addresses: NYC

Profession: Portrait painter, etcher, sculptor, teacher

Studied: N.Y. Sch. A., with William M. Chase, Joseph Pennell, McCartain, Auerbach-Levy; Hunter College.

Exhibited: Corcoran Gal., 1921; PAFA, 1921; Anderson Gal., 1921 (solo), 1925 (solo); Milch Gal., 1944 (solo); NAWA, 1959.

Member: NAWA; AEA.

Work: Guggenheim Fnd. (portrait); Hudson Gld.

Comments: Position: dir. & t., Jessie Ansbacher A. Sch. 1933-62. Author: Portraits, 1959.

Sources: WW59; Petteys, Dictionary of Women Artists.
