biography of James LECHAY (1907-2001)

Birth place: NYC

Addresses: Iowa City, IA

Profession: Painter

Studied: Univ. Illinois; M. Lechay.

Exhibited: Salons of Am., 1931; Another Place, 1936 (solo), Artists Gal., 1938 (solo), both in NYC; GGE, 1939; WFNY, 1939; PAFA Ann., 1940-49, 1953-60, 1966; Macbeth Gal., NYC, 1940s; AIC, 1942-49, 1941 (N.W. Harris Medal, bronze); VMFA, 1940, 1944; BM, 1941, 1944; MMA, 1941, 1943; Corcoran Gal.. biennials, 1943-59 (5 times); PMG, 1942; Carnegie Inst., 1943-45; Toledo MA; WMAA, 1942-56; Des Moines AC (purchase prize); Pepsi-Cola Exh., 1945 (purchase prize); Herron AI, 1945; St. Louis AM, 1945; Worcester MA, 1945; Springfield Mus. FA, 1945; State Univ. Iowa, 1945, 1946; Colorado Springs FAC, 1946; Kraushaar Gal., NYC, 1950s-90s; Provincetown AA, 1997 (retrospective)

Member: Am. Artists Congress.

Work: AIC; BM; Des Moines AC; PAFA; Univ. Iowa Mus. Art

Comments: WPA artist. Teaching: Stanford Univ., summer 1951; Skowhegan Sch. Painting, summer 1963; Univ. Iowa, 1945-72.

Sources: WW73; WW47; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
