biography of Francisca de (Mrs.) SALAZAR Y MAGANA (1781-?)

Birth place: MÈrida, Yucatan, Mexico

Addresses: New Orleans, active 1802

Profession: Portrait painter

Studied: José De Salazar

Comments: She came to New Orleans with her father, JosÈ De Salazar (see entry) and other family members in 1782. She was commissioned in 1802 to make a copy of her father's portrait of Bishop Pe-alver y Cardenas. Some sources say that she and/or her brother JosÈ may have assisted their father in his work.

Sources: G&W; Van Ravenswaay, The Forgotten Arts and Crafts of Colonial Louisiana," 195. More recently, see Encyclopaedia of New Orleans Artists; Gerdts, Art Across America, vol. 2, 92-93."
