biography of Edward G. EISENLOHR (1872-1961)

Birth place: Cincinnati, OH

Death place: Dallas, TX

Addresses: Dallas 3, TX

Profession: Painter, lithographer, lecturer, writer

Studied: R. J. Onderdonk; F. Reaugh; seven years in Europe including at the Acad. Karlsruhe, Germany, with G. Schoenleber; in NYC and Woodstock with Birge Harrison.

Exhibited: AIC; CGA, 1916; NAD, 1920; Pan-Pacific Expo, 1915; MoMA, 1933; Albany Inst. Hist. & Art, 1941; WFNY 1939; AFA Rotary exhib.; Witte Mem. Mus., 1948; SC, 1948, 1951; Corpus Christi AA, 1948; College Station, TX, 1950; Elisabet Ney Mus., 1950; Mus. New Mexico. 1951; & in many cities of Texas. Awards: prizes, Dallas AA, 1931, 1932, 1948; San Antonio Art Lg., 1927, 1928; SSAL, 1920; Texas Fed. Women's Club.

Member: SC; Dallas AA; Texas FAA; SSAL; AFA; AAPL.

Work: Dallas MFA; Elisabet Ney MA; Delgado MA; Witte Mem. Mus.; MFA, Abilene, TX; MFA of Houston; Santa Fe Mus.; Mus. New Mexico; New Orleans MA.

Comments: Was a frequent visitor to the art colonies at Santa Fe and Taos. Author: several books on the West and art appreciation.Position: board trustees, Dallas MFA; MoMA, 1933.

Sources: WW59; WW47; P&H Samuels, 154.
