biography of Mabel E(astman) DIXON (XX)

Birth place: Auburn, IA

Addresses: Des Moines, IA

Profession: Painter and teacher

Studied: Church School of Art, Chicago; Fontainebleau, Ecole ds Beaux Arts, France; AIC; Columbia; R. Davey; Arthur W. Dow; Paris, with Randall, Andre Strauss, Balande.

Exhibited: City Library Gal., Des Moines, 1929 (solo); Iowa State Col. Mem. Union, 1930 (solo); Iowa AC, 1930 (solo), 1931 (prize), 1932 (prize), 1935; Des Moines Women's Club, 1932 (prize), 1934 (first prize); Iowa Art Salon; 1934-35 (prize); All-Iowa Exh., Chicago, 1937; National Exhibition of Am. Art, NY, 1937; Bernheim Jeune Gals., Paris, 1938 (solo); Iowa Fed. of Women's Clubs (gold).

Member: Iowa Artists Cl. (treasurer, 1932; chairman of social committee, 1934; corresponding sec. 1934, 1935); Co-op. A. Iowa.

Work: Fountainebleau Mus., France

Comments: Married Sydney MacMullen.

Sources: WW40; Ness & Orwig, Iowa Artists of the First Hundred Years, 63-64.
