biography of Edward Selmar SIEBERT (1856-1944)

Birth place: Washington, DC

Death place: Rochester, NY

Addresses: Wash., DC, 1876-80, 1895-1911; New York, 1884-95; Rochester, NY, 1932

Profession: Portrait painter, etcher, teacher

Studied: with Albert A. Baur, Wiemar Art Acad., Germany, 1873-76; Munich Royal Acad. with Carl Hoff and Ferdinand Keller, 1880-83; Wilhelm von Diez in Munich, 1892

Exhibited: Soc. Wash. Artists, from 1891; Corcoran Gal. (prize for a "black &white"); Wash. WCC; NAD, 1890; Brooklyn AA, 1884; Rochester, NY (prize).

Work: State of Georgia (portrait of Thomas Watson); CGA; NMAA; George Wash. Univ.; ceiling of LOC, Wash., DC

Comments: Son of engraver Selmar Seibert. He painted portraits of Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Watson (candidate for pres. in the Populist Party), and the last portrait of Thundercloud, the famous Blackfoot Indian Chief whose profile appears on the 5-cent buffalo coin. Instructor: drawing and painting, ASL of Wash., DC. Contributor: illustrations, (1876-77), Erinnerungsblüten von Anno Dazumal.

Sources: WW29; obit., Rochester Democrat (n.d.); McMahan, Artists of Washington DC,
