biography of Herbert Morton STOOPS (1887-1948)

Birth place: Idaho

Death place: Mystic, CT

Addresses: Oakland, CA; Chicago, IL; NYC/Mystic, CT (Mason's Island)

Profession: Illustrator, painter

Studied: Utah State College; AIC, 1910s.

Exhibited: NAD, 1940 (Isidor Medal for easel painting); Mystic AA, 1940.

Member: SC; AAPL; SI; Artists Guild NY; Mystic AA (founding mem.)

Work: Hist. Soc. Pennsylvania.

Comments: Western illustrator, specializing in Old West and military subjects. Worked for San Francisco Call, c.1910; Chicago Tribune, early 1910s; then settled in NYC after WWI. Sometimes signed his work as Jeremy Cannon" or "Raymond Sisley." Stoops was working on a series of covers for Blue Book, commemorating the 48 states, when he died. He had completed 17.

Sources: WW47; Hughes, Artists in California, 539; P&H Samuels, 469; Art in Conn.: Between World Wars.
