biography of Gutzon BORGLUM (1867-1941)

Birth place: near Bear Lake, ID

Death place: Chicago, IL

Addresses: Stamford CT/MT Rushmore, SD

Profession: Sculptor, painter, illustrator, teacher

Studied: V. Williams; San Fran. AA with W. Keith, 1888; …cole des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1891-92; S. Sinding; Acad. Julian, Paris, with J. Lefebvre, 1890, 1892, 1899

Exhibited: Paris Salons, 1891-99; Western AA (gold); PAFA Ann., 1899; PAFA, 1903-05; St. Louis Expo, 1904 (gold); AIC, 1905, 1916.

Member: Soc. Nat. des Beaux-Arts, Paris; Arch. Lg., 1902; AAPS; Royal Soc. British Artists; SC.

Work: Colossal head of Lincoln, Wash., DC; MMA; war memorial The Wars of America," Newark, NJ; Univ. Virginia; Sheridan Equestrian, Chicago; North Carolina War Memorial; figures, Cathedral St. John Divine, NY; memorials, Rock Creek Cemetery in Wash. DC, Raleigh (NC), Poznan (Poland), Portland (OR), San Antonio (TX); statue, Paris."

Comments: He is best known as a sculptor of Mt. Rushmore, SD. He was one of the founders of the AAPS, which organized the 1913 Armory Show in NYC. Teaching: ASL, 1906-07. Older brother of Solon Borglum (see entry).

Sources: WW40; Baigell, Dictionary; Hughes, Artists in California, 60; P&H Samuels, 57-58; Eldredge, et al., Art in New Mexico, 1900-45, 193; Fink, Am. Art at the 19th C. Paris Salons, 323; Fort, The Figure in American Sculpture, cites birthdate of 1867, 182 as do P&H Samuels; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
