biography of Edna HIBEL (1917-2014)

Birth place: Boston, MA

Addresses: Brookline, MA, 1942-47; Riviera Beach, FL, 1973

Profession: Painter, lithographer

Studied: BMFA Sch.; Jacovleff, C. Zerbe.

Exhibited: AIC, 1941-43; PAFA, 1942; Vose Gal., 1940-44; Inst. Mod. A., Boston, 1943; Smith Gal., Boston, 1944-46; Shaw Gal., Boston, 1945; AWCS, 1946; Oehlschlaeger Gal., Sarasota, Fla.; Gallerie de Tours, San Fran. & Carmel, Calif.; Main St. Gal., Rockport.

Member: AEA

Work: BMFA; Detroit Art Inst., Mich.; De Saisset Mus., Santa Clara, Calif.; Flint Inst. Art, Mich.; Crocker Art Gal., Sacramento, Calif.; Norton Gal., West Palm Beach.

Comments: Her painted ceramic plates, usually depicting women and children, earned her wide popular appeal since the 1960s. She later opened galleries in Palm Beach and NYC. Preferred medium: oils.

Sources: WW73; WW47; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
