biography of William Henry COTTON (1880-1958)

Birth place: Newport, RI

Death place: Sergentsville, NJ

Addresses: Stockton, NJ

Profession: Painter, cartoonist

Studied: Cowles A. Sch., Boston; Académie Julian, Paris, with J.P. Laurens, 1900.

Exhibited: NAD, 1907 (prize); Corcoran Gal, 1908, 1914; Dallas MFA,1909 (med); AIC; PAFA, 1909, 1912, 1915-26; Boston AC, 1916 (prize); S.Indp.A.

Member: ANA; Newport AA.

Work: murals, theatres in New York City; Hotel Gibson, Cincinnati, Ohio; Easton's Beach, Newport, RI

Comments: Illustrator: New Yorker, 1939; national magazines.

Sources: WW53 and WW47 (cites 1880 as birth year); Bianco Gal., Buckingham, Pa. cites 1885 as birth year); Falk, Exh. Record Series.
