biography of William Paul MOREHOUSE (1929-1993)

Birth place: San Francisco, CA

Addresses: Mill Valley, CA

Profession: Painter, teacher, lecturer

Studied: Calif. Sch. FA. (B.F.A.) with Clyfford Still; Calif. College Arts & Crafts; San Fran. State College (M.A.)

Exhibited: Provincetown Art Festival, 1958; WMAA, 1959; Illinois Biennial, 1961; AIC, 1960; Boston Art Festival, 1961; Guggenheim Mus., NY, 1955; AFA traveling exh., 1959; San Fran. AA annually, 1949-61 (award, 1959); West Coast exhs., 1949-61; CPLH, 1960 (solo); Boles Gal., NY, 1961; San Fran., 1959-61; 6" Gal., San Fran., 1956; WMAA. Awards: Phelan awards, 1959, 1961; San Fran. Art Festival, 1956; Oakland Mus. Art (purchase)."

Member: San Fran. AA.

Work: Smith College Mus.; Sarah Lawrence Coll.; San F. Art Commission Coll.; Oakland Art Mus.

Comments: Teaching: Calif. Sch. FA, 1958-60; San Fran. State College, 1955-56; San Fran. AA, as of 1966.
