biography of Oliver Newberry H. CHAFFEE (1881-1944)

Birth place: Detroit, MI

Death place: Asheville, NC

Addresses: Provincetown, MA (1913-44)

Profession: Painter, teacher

Studied: ASL; Chase; Henri, at N.Y. Sch. A.; Hawthorne; Miller; Detroit Acad.; lived and studied in Paris many years.

Exhibited: Detroit AI, 1908; PAFA, 1912; Armory Show, NYC, 1913; Salon d'Automne, Paris, 1913; AIC, 1919, 1928, 1932, 1942; Provincetown AA; S. Indp. A.

Member: S. Indp.A.

Comments: An abstract figural painter, his images are often charged with symbolism. He died en route to Provincetown.

Sources: WW24; Kuchta and Seckler, Provincetown Painters, 196
