biography of Erwin FREY (1892-1967)

Birth place: Lima, OH

Addresses: Columbus 14, Ohio

Profession: Sculptor, medalist, educator, writer

Studied: Lima College; Cincinnati Art Academy; ASL; C. J. Barnhorne; J. Fraser; BAID; Julian Acad., Paris, with Henri Bouchard, Paul Landowski.

Exhibited: CM, 1918; Paris Salon, 1923; Arch. Lg., 1925; PAFA,1929-32, 1936; AIC, 1928; CPLH, 1930; NAD, 1930; Columbus Gal. FA, 1940 (solo); WMAA, 1941; PMA, 1943, 1950; DeMotte Gal., NY, 1949. Awards: gold medal, Ohio State Univ., 1950.

Member: NSS; Columbus Art Lg.

Work: Ohio State Univ.; New Rumley, Ohio; Columbus Gal. FA; Fairmount Park, Phila.; State Mus., Columbus, OH; CM; mem., Springfield, OH; Am. Soc. Electrical Engineers.

Comments: Position: asst. medalist, U.S. Mint, Phila., 1920; professor fine arts, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, 1925-; trustee, Columbus Gal. of FA, 1952.

Sources: WW66; WW47; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
