biography of Helen Caird MCGLASHAN (1893-?)

Birth place: Paterson, NJ

Addresses: Paterson, NJ

Profession: Painter, teacher

Studied: T. Col., Columbia Univ., and with Ralph Pearson, Henry L. McFee.

Exhibited: Montclair A. Mus., 1939-40; S. Indp. A., 1940-42; Ridgewood AA, 1942-46; Vendome Gal., 1940-42; S Indp. A., 1941-42; Paterson AA, 1946; Terry AI, 1952.

Member: AAPL; Eastern AA; Ridgewood AA; Paterson AA.

Comments: Teaching: Pub. Sch., Paterson, 1927-46.

Sources: WW53; WW47.
