biography of Charles Paul GRUPPÉ (1860-1940)

Birth place: Picton, Ontario, Canada

Death place: Rockport, MA

Addresses: NYC, Rochester, NY; The Hague, Holland; East Gloucester, MA

Profession: Painter

Studied: Holland; chiefly self-taught.

Exhibited: NAD, 1891-99; PAFA, 1892, 1895-1904, 1909-10, 1925; Boston AC, 1892-1909; Rouen, (gold); Exhib. Paris et Province (gold); Phila. AC (gold); St. Louis Expo, 1904 (medal); Appalachian Expo, Knoxville, 1910 (medal); AIC, 1917 (prize); Salons of Am.; S.Indp.A., 1937-40

Member: NYWCC; AWCS; Phila. AC; SC, 1893; NAC; Rochester AC; AFA; Pulchre Studio, The Hague.

Work: BM; Detroit AI; NGA; Reading (PA) Mus.; Butler AI; NAC; Mem. Gal., Rochester, NY; CAM; Maryland Inst.; Museum, London, Ontario; Nat. Gal., Ottawa; Library, Rouen, France; Queen of Holland Collection; Joslyn Mem., Omaha; Dayton AI; Parthenon, Nashville; St. Louis Art Mus.

Comments: Primarily a Tonalist landscape and marine painter, Gruppe lived in the Netherlands for over 20 years and is closely identified with the Dutch School of painting. His subject matter and soft-colored palette show the dark tonal qualities of the Netherland painters, and as an American, he received the unusual honor to be elected to the Pulchre Studio. Father of Emile Gruppe (see entry).

Sources: WW40; The Boston AC; 300 Years of American Art, 551; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
