biography of Carl STRAUSS (1873-1957)

Birth place: Jamaica Plain, MA.

Addresses: Grisons, Switzerland

Profession: Etcher, illustrator, painter

Studied: BMFA Sch. with F. Benson and E. Tarbell; Koehler; Académie Julian, Paris, 1896-97.

Exhibited: Black & White Int. Exh., Florence, 1914 (prize).

Member: Chicago SE; FA Soc., Florence, Italy.

Work: etchings, Uffizi Gal., Florence; Dresden and Munich Cabinet of Prints; Nat. Gal. Modern Art, Rome; Mun. Art Gal., Milan; Hamburg and Bremen Kunsthallen; art coll. of King of Italy; Kunsthaus, Zurich; Kunsthaus-Chur, Grisons; NGA.

Comments: Illustrator: 20 colored etchings to be used as illustrations for The Marble Faun," pub. Limited Editions Club, NY."
