biography of Glenn Gordon MACNUTT (1906-1987)

Birth place: London, Ontario, Canada

Addresses: Dorchester, MA

Profession: Painter, illustrator, designer

Studied: Mass. Sch. A; BMFA Sch.

Exhibited: PAFA, 1937; Phila. WCC, 1937, 1942-45; AIC, 1939, 1941-42; Boston S. WC Painters, 1940-46, 1954 (prize); MMA, 1941-42; BM, 1941; Boston AG, 1941-46; New England A., 1941-46; AWCS, 1942-46, 1956 (prize); Jordan Marsh, 1942 (prize); CM, 1945; BMFA; TMA; PMA; LACMA; SAM; London-Ontario; Canton Al. Awards: prizes, American Artist magazine, 1952; Mitton award, 1942, 1955; Concord AA, 1953.

Member: Boston Soc. WC Painters (vice-pres.); Gld. Boston A.; Phila. WCS; AWCS.

Work: BMFA; New Britain Mus. A.; Farnsworth Mus., Rockland, Me.; Mather Sch., Dorchester, Mass.; Harvard Univ.; Wheaton Col.; priv. colls.

Comments: Contributor to American Artist magazine; Ford Times News, etc.

Sources: WW59; WW47.
