biography of Harriet Frances OSBORNE (1846-1913)

Birth place: Peabody, MA

Death place: Salem, MA

Addresses: Salem, MA, active from 1870s

Profession: Painter, etcher, teacher

Exhibited: Centennial Exhib., Phila., 1876; exhibition of Contemporary Art, Boston Mus., 1879, exhibition of Living American Artists, 1880; Boston AC, 1879-1901; Mass. Charitable Mechanic Assoc, 1881; Essex Inst. (Salem, MA), 1881, 1883; "Women Etchers of Am.," New York and Boston, 1888; Ohio Valley Expo, 1888; Worlds Columbian Expo, Women's Pavilion, 1893; Jordan Art Gal., 1896; Phila. Soc. Etchers; Boston Art Students' Assoc.; Copley Soc.

Member: Boston Art Students' Assoc.; BAC.

Work: Essex Inst., Salem (copper plates).

Comments: Made numerous etchings of late 19th-century Salem, and many landscapes. Her subjects were predominantly views of Massachusetts.

Sources: P. Peet, Am. Women of the Etching Revival, 62
