biography of Wilson Henry IRVINE (1869-1936)

Birth place: Byron, IL

Death place: Lyme, CT

Addresses: NYC, 1909; Chicago, IL, 1910-17; Lyme, CT, permanently, 1918-36

Profession: Landscape painter

Studied: AIC (evening classes); mostly self-taught.

Exhibited: PAFA, 1909-10, 1913-17, 1921, 1925; Corcoran Gal., 1912-26 (3 times); AIC, 1912 (prize), 1915 (prize), 1916 (prize), 1917; Pan-Pac. Expo., San Fran., 1915 (prize); Chicago SA, 1916 (med.); Palette and Chisel Club, 1916 (med.); CAFA, 1929 (prize); Roullier Gallery, Chicago, 1920s (experimental "aqua-prints"); Grand Central AG, 1930 (solo exhib. of jewel-like "prismatic paintings"); Lyme AA, 1934 (prize).

Member: ANA, 1926; Lyme AA; Chicago SA; Chicago WCC, Cliff Dwellers; Palette and Chisel Cl., Chicago; SC; Allied AA; NAC; Chicago Arts Cl.; Soc. of Western Artists

Work: AIC; Municipal AL, 1911; CGA; Sears Mem. Mus., Elgin, IL; NAC; Rockford (IL) AA; Phoenix AM; Benton MA; Lyme Hist. Soc.; Friends Am. Art; Union League Cl., Chicago

Comments: Accompanied Adolph R. Shulz as one of the original settlers of the Brown County (IN) art colony in 1907. A landscape specialist (particularly Connecticut in the spring) and member of Old Lyme art colony. Also painted on Monhegan Island (ME). He attained a good measure of success as an American Impressionist; has recently been rediscovered."

Sources: WW33; Gerdts, Art Across America, vol. 2: 273; Curtis, Curtis, and Lieberman, 183; Connecticut and American Impressionism 164 (w/repro.); Art in Conn.: The Impressionist Years; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
