biography of Dey DE RIBCOWSKY (1880-1936)

Birth place: Rustchuk, Bulgaria

Death place: Los Angeles, CA

Addresses: Miami Beach, FL; Inglewood, CA, 1920s

Profession: Marine painter

Studied: Paris; Florence; Petrograd.

Exhibited: Petrograd, 1902 (gold); Uruguay Exh., Montevideo, 1908 (gold); Rio de Janeiro Expo, 1909 (gold); Odessa, 1909 (prize); Moscow, 1910 (prize); Sofia Nat. Gal., 1910 (prize); Southwestern Intl. Fair, El Paso, 1924 (prize); S.Indp.A., 1933

Member: Newport AA; Buenos Aires Soc. FA.

Work: Mus. Alexander III, Petrogard; Tretiacof Gal., Moscow; Odessa Mus.; Uruguay Mus., Montevideo; Buenos Aires Mus.; Nat. Palace, Montevideo; Nat. Palace, Rio de Janeiro; Governor's Palace, Barbados; Manchester, N.H.

Comments: Immigrated to the U.S. in 1910. Inventor: the Medium Reflex."

Sources: WW40; Hughes, Artists of California, 144."
