biography of Harold Cheney CASH (1895-?)

Birth place: Chattanooga, TN

Addresses: NYC, 1947; Wildwood, GA, 1959

Profession: Sculptor

Studied: Stanford Univ.; Univ. Va.; N.Y. Sch. F. & Appl. A.; BAID

Exhibited: MoMA, 1930-34; AIC, 1931-32, 1936-38; BM, 1931; Salons of Am., 1934; WMAA, 1935; PAFA, 1941-45; SFMA; MMA.

Member: NSS; S. Gld.

Comments: Awards: Guggenheim F., 1930, 1931.

Sources: WW59; WW47; Falk, Exhibition Record Series
