biography of Mervin HONIG (1920-1990)

Birth place: New York, NY

Addresses: Westbury, NY

Profession: Painter, painting conservator

Studied: Francis Criss, 1939-41; Amadee Ozenfant, 1946; Hans Hofmann, 1947-50; conservation studies at Brooklyn Mus. with Caroline & Sheldon Keek, 1956-58.

Exhibited: Portrait of America, MMA, 1944 & Carnegie Inst. FA, 1945; WMAA, 1949; Brooklyn & Long Island Artists, Brooklyn Mus., 1960; Wadsworth Atheneum Artists Ann., 1965; Frank Rehn Gal., NYC, 1970s. Awards: gold medal for best in show, Am. Vet. Soc. Artists, 1966; first prize for oil painting, Locust Valley Art Show, 1966; award of excellence, Mainstreams 1970, Marietta (OH) College, 1970.

Member: Audubon Artists; College Art Assn. Am.; Int. Inst. Conservation Artistic & Hist. Works (assoc.)

Work: Oklahoma Mus. Art, Oklahoma City; Colby College Mus. Art, Waterville, ME

Comments: Preferred medium: oils. Teaching: NYC Community College, 1968-70; Hofstra Univ., 1972-. Research: use of polyurethane foam in the process of transfer.

Sources: WW73; Margaret Harold, Prize Winning Paintings (1966); Amy Pett, Beneath Suburban Exterior are Two Dedicated Artists (Husband & Wife)", Port Washington News & other newspapers, 1970."
