biography of Carl VON MARR (1858-1936)

Birth place: Milwaukee, WI

Addresses: Milwaukee, WI; Munich, Germany

Profession: Painter, illustrator, teacher

Studied: Henry Viandon, Milwaukee; Weimar Acad., with Schaus, 1875; Berlin Acad., with Gussow; Munich, 1877, with Seitz, Gabriel Max, Lindenschmit; Acad. of Athens.

Exhibited: PAFA Ann., 1881, 1893-95, 1909; NAD, 1881; Boston AC, 1882; Prize Fund Exhib., NYC, 1886 (gold); other medals: Vienna (1893, 1894) , Berlin (1891), Munich (1889, 1893), Dresden, Madrid (1892), Salzburg, Barcelona, Antwerp, Budapest, Lièe (1905), Anvers (1894)

Member: NIAL.

Work: TMA; MMA; Königsburg; Breslau, Munich; Budapest; West Bend Gal. of Fine Arts, West Bend, Wis.

Comments: After studying in Munich he returned to Milwaukee (1880) to teach art, but found the venture unprofitable. In 1882, he returned to Munich where he spent most of his career as a successful expatriate. He was a professor at the Bavarian Acad. Arts from 1893-on, teaching most of the Americans who enrolled there. He visited family in Milwaukee only periodically but returned in 1929. Also appears as Marr.

Sources: WW33; Gerdts, Art Across America, vol. 2: 331-32 (repro.); Falk, Exh. Record Series.
