biography of Harry Joseph AHYSEN (1928)

Birth place: Port Arthur, TX

Addresses: Huntsville, TX

Profession: Painter, educator

Studied: Tulane Univ; Univ Houston, BFA; Univ Tex, Austin, MFA.

Exhibited: Miss Nat. Exhib., Jackson, 1962 & 1965 (first prize); Beaumont Tri-State Ann. Art Mus. Show, Tex., 1963 (President's Award), 1964 & 1965; Houston Art League Ann, 1964 (first prize); San Antonio Five-State Watercolor Show, Tex., 1964; Houston Power & Light Co. Exhib.; Port Arthur, Tex., 1970 (solo); Southwestern Watercolor Soc. Exhib., 1972.

Work: Regent's Room, Univ Texas. Commissions: Cover, The Texaco Star, Texaco, Inc, 1957; mural, Buccaneer Hotel, Galveston, Tex, 1966; murals, Flagship Hotel, Galveston, 1967; related paintings, Huntsville Nat Bank, Tex, 1970; landscape paintings, David Tinsley, Huntsville, 1971.

Comments: Preferred media: oils, watercolors. Publications: auth, Composition devices for landscapes, 1970; Paul Schumann (monogr), 1972. Teaching: asst. prof. oil painting, Sam Houston State Univ, 1963-.
