biography of Gilbert Neil AMELIO (1924)

Birth place: Bronx, NY

Addresses: March Air Force Base, CA

Profession: Sculptor, painter

Studied: Univ Southern Calif., BFA; painting with Francis de Erderly & sculpture with Merrell Gage.

Exhibited: Sculpting Face of Christ" while lecturing throughout US with 757 performances between 1961 and 1973. Awards: Silver cup, Am. Educ. & Theatrical Assn., 1966-1967; gold award for excellence, New York Int. Film & TV Festival; Christopher Award, Columbus Film Festival, 1972."

Work: Commissions: Bas-relief, pioneer founder, Farmers Market, Los Angeles, Calif.; statue, Lady of Loyola, Loyola Univ Los Angeles, 1951; heroic bust of Michelangelo in terra cotta, William Lasky, Jr., Hollywood, Calif., 1954; mural, oil on board, St Thomas Moore Cath. Church, San Antonio, Tex., 1967.

Comments: Preferred media: terra cotta, oil on canvas. Positions: dir. art hist. properties, US Air Force Acad., 1970-1972, chief admin. serv., March Air Force Base, 1972-. Publications: Auth., The Air Force Academy Chapel, Its Art and Architecture, 1972; illus., Talon Cadet Mag & newspapers; performance of Face of Christ" in terra cotta, CBS TV, 1972.

Sources: WW73; "Face to Face," Audio Prod, Inc, NYC, 1971; Joe Landis (producer), Repertoire Workshop, CBS TV, Hollywood, March 30, 1972."
