biography of Gordon Christian AYMAR (1893-?)

Birth place: East Orange, NJ

Addresses: South Kent, CT

Profession: Painter, art historian

Studied: Yale Univ, AB, 1914; BMFASch., 1915-1917.

Exhibited: Mus. Art, Montreal, 1960; Royal Soc. Painters in Water Color, London, Eng., 1962; Conn. Classic Arts, 1962 (award for Cat on Mikonos"); Charles & Emma Frye Art Mus., Seattle, Wash., 1964; Darien Art Festival, Conn., 1964 (award for "Deborah Thinking"); NAD, 1968; AWCSoc., 1971; Kent Art Assn., Conn., 1971(award forportrait of Chris Aymar) ."

Member: Am. Watercolor Soc. (1st. v. pres., 1963); Washington Art Assn., Conn. (trustee, 1966); Kent Art Assn., (exhib. comt., 1972).

Work: Yale Univ. Art Gallery, New Haven, Conn.; Addison Gallery Art, Phillips Acad., Mass.; Nat. Coun. Churches, NYC; New York Neurol. Inst.; Photographic Dept. Permanent Study Collection, MoMA. Commissions: Portraits, Pres. K. Towe, American Cyanamid, New York, 1955; Pres. W. Wheeler, Jr., Pitney Bowes, Stamford, Conn., 1958; Dr. H.S. Coffin, Madison Ave. Presbyterian Church, New York, 1961; Pres. L.W. Wister, South Kent Sch., Conn., 1969; Pres. J. Armstrong, Middlebury Col, Vt., 1971.

Comments: Preferred media: watercolor. Publications: auth., The Art of Portrait Painting, 1967. Research: portraits through the centuries.

Sources: WW73; Salon des aquarellistes de New York," Rev Mod (Paris, 1962); C R Cammel, "American Masterpieces in Water Colour," New Daily (London, 1962); Dorothy Brazier," Crowd enjoys charming picture," Seattle Times (1964)."
