biography of Franklin BOGGS (1914)

Birth place: Warsaw, IN

Addresses: Beloit, WI

Profession: Painter, educator, illustrator, designer

Studied: Fort Wayne Art Sch., Ind.; PAFA

Exhibited: PAFA, 1939, 1940; AIC, 1949. Awards: Gimbels Wis. Exhib. Prize, 1952; Milwaukee Journal Prize, Freedom of the Press Exhib.; Fulbright res. grant to Finland, 1958.

Work: Abbott Labs.; US War Dept.; US Post Off., Newton, Miss.; Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.; Merchants & Savings Bank, Janesville, Wis. Commissions: mural, Vocational Sch., Janesville, 1961; concrete murals, Yates Am. Mach Co., Madison, Wis., 1961, Univ. Wis. Math. Bldg., 1962 & Cancer Res. Bldg., Madison, 1963, Univ. Wis.-Milwaukee, 1964 & Cutler-Hammer Off. Bldg., Milwaukee, 1965.

Comments: Positions: illusr., Tenn. Valley Auth., 1940-1944; war artist, 1944. Teaching: prof. & artist-in-residence, Beloit Col., 1945-, chmn. art dept., 1955-1971; lectr. Am. Indian Exhib., Finland & Sweden, 1958-1959. Collections arranged: supvr. assembling, American Indian Exhib. Publications: illusr., Men Without Guns;" army medical paintings reproduced in art mags. Co-illustrator: "Sally and the Rampatan."

Sources: WW73; WW47."
