biography of Lowell Daunt COLLINS (1924-2003)

Birth place: San Antonio, TX

Addresses: Houston, TX

Profession: Painter, art dealer

Studied: Colorado Springs FAC, with B. Robinson; MFA, Houston; ASL New York; Acad. Grande Chaumière, Paris, France; Univ. Houston, B.F.A. & M.L.

Exhibited: Provincetown Arts Festival; WFNY; Hemisfair, San Antonio; Columbia Biennial, SC; New Zealand Exchange Exhib.; plus many others. Awards: Texas FAA, 1949 (first prize); D.D. Feldman Art Exhib., 1956 (second prize); Motorola Corp., 1960 (first prize and purchase award).

Member: Houston Philos. Soc.; Am. Soc. Appraisers; hon mem Hanzen College, Rice Univ. (hon. member); Archaeol. Soc. Am.

Work: MFA, Houston, TX; MFA, Dallas, TX; U.S. Info Agency. Commissions: painting for Nelson Foundation.

Comments: Preferred media: oils. Positions: art editor, Texas Cancer Bulletin, 1947-49; curator, pre-Columbian art, Mus. Nat. Sciience, Houston, 1970-; director, Lowell Collins Gallery, 1970-. Publications: illustrator, Houston, Land of Big Rich," 1951; illustrator, "Houston, the feast years," 1961; illustrator, "The Galveston era, "1965; illustrator, "Unhappy medium," 1968. Teaching: instructor art & architecture, Univ. Houston, 1951-58; dean art dept., MFA, Houston, 1958-66; director, art school, Lowell Collins Gal., 1966-. Specialty of gallery: Pre-Columbian art; African art; Oriental art; contemporary paintings and sculpture."
