biography of William H. CRAWFORD (1913-1982)

Birth place: Hammond, IN

Addresses: Maplewood, NJ; NYC

Profession: Cartoonist, sculptor, illustrator, teacher

Studied: Chicago Acad Fine Arts; Ohio State Univ, BA, 1935; Acad. de la Grande Chaumière, Paris.

Exhibited: CMA, 1934 (prize); Italy, Paris, Israel. Awards: Best ed page cartoonist, Nat Cartoonists Soc, 1956-58, 1966.

Member: Nat Cartoonists Soc (pres, 1960-1961); Asn Am Ed Cartoonists.

Work: Syracuse Univ; LOC; cartoons, Canadian Pavilion, Montreal.

Comments: Positions: Ed cartoonist, Newark Eve News, NJ, 1938-61; chief ed cartoonist, Newspaper Enterprise Asn, NYC, 1962-70s. Publications: contribr, nat mags; illusr, Barefoot Boy with Cheek, 1943, Zebra Derby, 1946s. Teaching: Newark Sch Fine & Applied Arts; Rutgers Univ.

Sources: WW73; WW47.
