biography of Edgar Parin D'AULAIRE (1898-?)

Birth place: Munich, Germany

Addresses: Wilton, CT

Profession: Illustrator, lithographer

Studied: Technische Hochschule; Kunstgewerbeschule (School Applied Arts); Hans Hofmann School; …cole Andre L'hote; …cole Pola Gaugin, Paris, France.

Exhibited: Salon d'Automme, Paris; Galerie Wang, Oslo, Norway. Awards: Caldecott Medal, Am. Library Assn., 1940; Regina Award, Catholic Library Assn., 1970.

Member: Artists Guild.

Work: Commissions: fresco in church, Drammen, Norway; Hopkin Center, Hanover, NH; public libraries & colleges in USA & Europe.

Comments: Preferred media: mixed media. Publications: co-author/illustrator, Ola, 1932; Greek Myths, 1962; Norse Gods & Giants, 1967; Trolls, 1972, Doubleday, 1972; Children of the Northlights, Viking, 1936.

Sources: WW73; Esther Flverill, Caldecott Medal Books, Vol. II (Horn Book, 1957); V. Hürlimann, Die Welt im Bilderbuch (Atlantis Verlag Zurich, 1965); L.B. Hopkins, Books Are by People (Citation, 1969); WW47 reports alternate birthdate of 1905 and birthplace of Norway; WW59 reports his birthplace as Camp Blenie, Switzerland
