biography of Eleanor Creekmore DICKINSON (1931-2017)

Birth place: Knoxville, TN

Addresses: San Francisco, CA

Profession: Painter, sculptor

Studied: Univ Tenn, BA, 1952, with C Kermit Ewing; San Francisco Art Inst, 1961-1963, with James Weeks.

Exhibited: One-artist shows, McClung Mus, Knoxville, Tenn, 1964, San Francisco Mus Art, 1965, Santa Barbara Mus Art, Calif, 1966, Corcoran Gallery Art, 1970 & Poindexter Gallery, New York, NY, 1972. Awards: San Francisco Women Artists Pres Prize, San Francisco Mus, 1959; purchase award, Butler Inst Am Art, 1960; purchase award, City of San Francisco, 1971.

Member: Artists Equity Asn Northern Calif (mem bd dirs).

Work: Corcoran Gallery Art, Washington, DC; San Francisco Mus Art, Calif; Butler Inst Am Art, Youngstown, Ohio; Libr Cong Collection, Washington, DC; Oakland Mus, Calif.

Comments: Preferred Media: Mixed Media. Positions: Trustee, San Francisco Art Inst, 1963-1966. Teaching: Lectr drawing & painting, Univ Calif, 1969-71; vis prof life drawing, Calif Col Arts & Crafts, Oakland, 1971-. Publications: Contribr, Sculpture from Junk, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1967; auth, Tennessee Revival Services, Libr Cong Arch Folk Song, 1971.

Sources: WW73; Aline Saarinen, Revival!", NBC Today Show, 1970; Nina Osnos, Revival by Eleanor Dickinson (Corcoran Gallery Art, 1970)."
