biography of Sue May Wescott GILL (1890-1989)

Birth place: Sabinal, TX

Addresses: Wynnewood, PA

Profession: Painter, sculptor

Studied: PAFA, 1920-26; Acad. Colarossi, Paris, France, 1923-1924; AIC.

Exhibited: PAFA, 1927, 1929 (as Wescott), 1933-38, 1943 (as Gill); NAWA, 1932-33 (prize); NAD; Women's Achievement Exhib., Phila. 1933 (prize); Phila. Sketch Club, 1942 (med), 1943 (prize), 1966; Phila. Plastic Club, 1942 (prize), 1943 (prize), 1944 (prize), 1946 (prize), 1969; Ogunquit AC, 1931 (prize); Phila. Country Club, 1966,1968; Wayne (PA) Art Center, 1966 (prize); Auburn Mus., NY, 1967; Moore College of Art & Design, Phila., 1998 (retrospective, The Philadelphia Ten.")"

Member: Phila. Art All.;Ten Phila. Painters; Phila. Plastic Club; PBC; NAWA; PAFA (fellow); PMA

Work: Commissions: sculpture, West Point Military Acad.

Comments: Specialties: portraits, flowers.Teaching: instructor painting, Syracuse Univ., summer sessions; lecturer painting, PAFA & private clubs.

Sources: WW73; WW25, giving a birth date of 1893; WW47; Talbott and Sidney, The Philadelphia Ten; add'l info courtesy of Peter Bissell, Cooperstown, NY; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
