biography of Albert George HANDELL (1937)

Birth place: Brooklyn, NY

Addresses: Woodstock, NY (summers); Santa Fe, NM, since 1983

Profession: Painter, teacher

Studied: ASL; Acad. de la Grande Chaumière, Paris, France.

Exhibited: solos: Fitzgerald Gal., NYC, 1961-64, Harbor Gal., Cold Spring Harbor, NY, 1965, 1968 & 1970; ACA Gal., New York, 1966 & Eileen Kuhlik Gal., 1972; Allied Artist Am., New York; Audubon Artist, New York (Ranger Fund purchase prize, 1968). Other awards: John F. & Anna Lee Stacy Scholarship Fund, 1962-65; Elizabeth T. Greenshields Mem. Foundation, 1972.

Member: All. Artists Am.; SC; ASL

Work: Syracuse (NY) Univ.; Bates College Collection, Lewistown, ME; Elizabeth T. Greenshields Mem. Foundation, Montreal, Canada; Salt Lake City MFA; ASL

Comments: Preferred media: oils, pastels. Publications: Oil Painting Workshop, Watson-Guptill, 1980.

Sources: WW73; Elinor Lathrop Sears, Pastel Painting, Step by Step (Watson-Guptill, 1968); Heather-Meredith-Owens,The Inner Universe of Albert Handell," Am. Artist Magazine (April, 1971); Joe Singer, How to Paint Portraits in Pastel (Watson-Guptill)."
