biography of John W. HATCH (1919-1997)

Birth place: Saugus, MA

Addresses: Durham, NH

Profession: Painter, educator

Studied: Mass. College Art; School Fine Arts, Yale Univ. (B.F.A. & M.F.A.)

Exhibited: New Hampshire AA, Currier Gal. Art, 1949-65; U.S. Info Agency Exhib., Russia, 1961; Centennial Exhib. of Land Grant Colleges, Kansas City, MO, 1962; De Cordova & Dana Mus., 1962 & 1964; BMFA, 1967-69. Awards: City of Manchester, NH, Award, 1964; New Hampshire AA, 1964; Portland Mus. Art Festivals

Member: New Hampshire AA (pres., 1958-60); Am. Assn. Univ. Prof.; Boston WCS

Work: De Cordova & Dana Mus., Lincoln, MA; Phillips Exeter Acad.; Portland MA; Addison Gallery Am. Art, Andover, MA; PAFA. Commissions: murals, Army Map Service Bldg., Wash., DC, Am. Red Cross, Melbourne, Australia & Kingsbury Hall, Univ. New Hampshire; mem. window, Student Union, Univ. New Hampshire; hist. mural, The Ledges, Durham, NH

Comments: Preferred medium: watercolors. Positions: visual arts committee, New Hampshire Commission on the Arts. Teaching: art professor, Univ. NH in 1973.
