biography of Doris Howard LONEY (1902-1970)

Birth place: Everett, WA

Addresses: Tucson, AZ

Profession: Painter

Studied: Univ. Wash. (B.A.); ASL with Robert Brackman & Yasuo Kuniyoshi; Farnsworth Sch. Art; Scripps Grad. Art Sch. with Henry McFee & Millard Sheets; watercolor with Dong Kingman.

Exhibited: Rosequist Gal., Tucson, 1956 (solo); FA Gal., Univ. Arizona, 1960; Tucson AC, 1962; Nat Lg. Am. Pen Women Nat. Biennial, 1962, 1964 & 1970 (first prize for portrait, "Papago Today,"); Tucson Festival Six State Show, 1962 & 1970; plus seven solo shows in US. Awards: first for figure painting, "Sally," SAM, 1950; hon. men. for watercolor, "Hong Kong Harbor," Southwest WC Guild, 1971.

Member: ASL (life mem.); Nat. Lg. Am. Pen Women (pres., 1966-68; state art chmn., 1969-71); NY Pen & Brush; Tucson Palette & Brush; Tucson AC

Work: Commissions: portraits, three pres., Univ. Wisc.-Superior, bd. dirs., First Nat. Bank, Superior, pres., Univ. Arizona, Dr. & Mrs. Richard Harvill, Columbia Univ., Dr. Robert Terry

Comments: Positions: mem. bd., Tucson Council Art, 1965-69
