biography of William Mozart MCVEY (1905-1995)

Birth place: Boston, MA

Addresses: Cleveland, OH

Profession: Sculptor, educator, lecturer, painter

Studied: Rice Univ.; Cleveland Inst. Art; Acad. Colarossi, Acad. Grande Chaumière & Acad. Scandinave, Paris, 1929-31; pupil of Despiau; H. Keller; F. Wilcox.

Exhibited: PAFA Ann., 1932, 1954, 1960, 1966; Great Lakes Expo, Cleveland; Pomona Col., 1942 (prize); CMA, 1932 (prize)-34; Houston MFA, 1929 (prize), 1936 (prize); Grand Salon; Salon d'Automne; Tex. Ann.; Cleveland May Shows (11 spec. awards); Nat. Syracuse Ceramic Show, 1954 (award); Butler Inst. Am. Art, Youngstown, OH, 1967 (purchase award).

Member: Tex. S. Gr.; Seven Sculptors, Cleveland; Societe des Artistes Scandinaves; Col. Art Assn. Am.; fel, Nat. Sculpture Soc.; Int. Platform Assn. (bd. gov.)

Work: Fed. Trade Comm., Wash., DC; Mem. Mus., Austin; Texarkana, Tex.; Wade Park, Cleveland; Housing Project; Playground, Houston; Canton (Ohio) H.S.; Cleveland Mus. Hall; mon., Ozona, Tex.; Heroic head of Winston Churchill, Smithsonian Inst., Wash., DC & Chartwell, Engl.; Sister Ann (hollow built ceramic), Ariana Mus., Geneva, Switz.; "L'Ecrivain" (bronze), Houston Mus., Tex.; "Rumination" (Ga. marble), CMA, "Beached Whale" (cement fond), Lincoln Center, Univ. Ill., Urbana. Commissions: San Jacinto Monument, Tex. Centennial Comt., 1935; Berry Monument, Hopkins Airport, Cleveland, 1961; "Long Road" (aluminum relief), Jewish Community Ctr., 1964; US Seals, Fed. Bldg., Cleveland, 1966; St. Margaret of Scotland; Jan Hus, St. Olga of Russia for Washington Cathedral.

Comments: Preferred medium: stone. Contributor: Magazine of Art. Positions: chmn., Nat. Fulbright Screening Comt., four yrs.; juror for most Midwest shows. Teaching: instr., CMA, 1932; instr., Houston Mus., 1936-38; instr., Univ. Tex., 1939-46; instr., Ohio State Univ., summer 1946; instr., Cranbrook Acad. Art, 1946-53; hd. sculpture dept., Cleveland Inst. Art, 1953-68; vis. sculptor, Sch. Fine Arts, Ohio State Univ., 1963-64.

Sources: WW73; Helen Borsick, "Story of a Statue (Winston Churchill at the British Embassy in Washington)," Plain Dealer mag., 1966; "Sculptor for Today," Ohio mag.; "Animals, Animal Sculpture and Animal Sculptors," National Sculpture Review, 1971; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
