biography of Claude Patrice ROUSSEL (1930)

Birth place: Edmunston, NB

Addresses: St Anselme, NB, Canada

Profession: Sculptor, instructor

Studied: Ecole Beaux-Arts, Montreal, PQ, 1950-1956; Can. Coun. sr. traveling fel., Europe, 1961.

Exhibited: Survey 1969, Montreal Mus. Fine Arts, 1969; NB Mus., 1970; Confedn. Art Gal., 1970; Air & Space Mus., Smithsonian Inst., 1971; Man & His World, Montreal, 1971. Awards: Allied Arts Medal, Royal Archit. Soc. Can., 1964; St. John City Hall Sculpture Competition, City of St. John, 1972.

Member: Can. Artist Representation (Moncton rep., 1972); Can. Sculptor Soc.

Work: Smithsonian Inst, Wash., DC; NB Mus., St. John; Confedn. Art Gal., Charlottetown, PEI; Univ. Moncton, NB; Mt. Allison Univ., Sackville, NB. Commissions: mural, Frederickton Airport, NB, 1964; mural, NB Centennial Bldg, 1966; monument, fishermen, Escuminac, NB, 1969; exterior sculpture & interior mural, Univ. Moncton Nursing Pavillion, 1971; archit. sculpture for City Hall, City of St John, 1972; plus 20 other archit. projs.

Comments: Preferred media: wood, stone, steel, plastics. Positions: asst. curator, Beaverbrook Art Gal., Frederickton, 1959-61. Teaching: art instr., Edmunston Pub. Schs., 1956-59; art instr., Univ. Moncton, 1963-.

Sources: WW73; Painting a province," Nat. Film Bd., 1960; J. Villon, "L'art en acadie," Rev. LibertÈ (1970); E. Michel, Reseau soleil (C B C, 1971)"
