biography of Harve STEIN (1904-1996)

Birth place: Chicago, IL

Addresses: Mystic, CT; Noank, CT

Profession: Painter, educator, illustrator, graphic artist, lecturer

Studied: AIC, 1922-26; Académie Julian, Paris, 1927; ASL, 1930-33; also with Harvey Dunn.

Exhibited: AIC, 1937; WFNY, 1939; AWCS, 1934-44; Mystic AA, 1934-45; PAFA, 1934-40; South Country AA; Springfield AL; Providence Watercolor Club, 1956 (award); New Haven Paint & Clay Club, 1957 (award); Providence Art Club, 1963 (award)

Member: Soc Illustrators (hon. life member); AWCS; Audubon Artists; Artists Fellow; Appraisers Assn. Am.; Mystic AA; Providence AC.

Work: U.S. State Dept.; Univ. Minnesota; Brown Univ.; Public Archives, Toronto, Montclair (NJ) Art Mus.

Comments: Preferred media: watercolors. Positions: director, Stone Ledge Studio Art Galleries, Noank, CT, 1963-. Publications: illustrator of many books; contributor to many magzines; author, "The Illustrator Explains," Am. Artist, 1958. Teaching: Connecticut College, 1946-47 & 1951; New London ASL, 1948-59; Mitchell College, summers, 1955-56; emer. prof., RISD.
