biography of Everett Clark THORPE (1907-1984)

Birth place: Providence, UT

Addresses: Logan, UT in 1976

Profession: Painter, educator, illustrator, teacher, cartoonist

Studied: Los Angeles County AI; Utah State Univ. (B.S., 1942; M.F.A., 1951); Syracuse Univ.; Hans Hofmann Sch. Art; Otis AI; O. Oldfield; R.M. Pearson; R. Stackpole; Grosz; Nordfeldt; Sepeshy; Zerbe.

Exhibited: Utah State Inst. FA, 1946 (prize); CGA, 1941; Nat. Art Week, Wash., DC, 1938, 1939; Denver AM; Utah AC; 1938-45; Utah Univ., 1938-46; Utah Art at New York Madison Square, Hawthorn & Provincetown; Springville Nat.; Utah Biennial; Tucson Invitational; Maxwell Galleries. Awards: Terry Int., 1955; Springville Int., 1965-1967; Utah purchase award, Utah Inst., 1972.

Member: Nat. Soc. Mural Painters; Utah State Inst. FA; Fed.; All. Artists; Am. Assn. Univ. Prof.; Ogden AG; Logan Art Group.

Work: Springville Nat. Gallery; Maxwell Galleries; Utah Inst. FA; Utah State Capitol Bldg.; Sigman Phi Epsilon Nat. Headquarters, Richmond, VA. Commissions: six murals, Sigman Phi Epsilon, Utah State Univ.; Provo Fed. Bldg., Fed. Govt., 12 Fonders; mural at state capitol, Utah State Univ. & Cache Co.; Tabernacle, Logan Stake; History of Communication, Utah State Univ. Lib., Senior Class 1969.

Comments: Preferred media: oils, collages, acrylics, metalics. Publications: sports illustr., Salt Lake Tribune, 1938-40; sports illustr., Deseret News, 1941-; illustr., New Art Education, 1955; illustr., Sayings of a Saint," 1960; illustr., "History of Biology," 1960. Teaching: Utah State Univ., 1934-. Art interests: portrait painting; mural design; sports & portrait illustration.

Sources: WW73; Looking Back on Everett Thorpe (Merrill Gallery Art); Lendhart, An American Artist (Univ. Wyoming Press, 1971)."
