biography of Biron VALIER (1943)

Birth place: West Palm Beach, FL

Addresses: Belmont, MA

Profession: Painter, printmaker

Studied: Yale Univ. (M.F.A.); Cranbrook Acad. Art (B.F.A.); Univ. Arkansas; Woodstock AA Graphic Workshop; ASL; Norton Gal. & School Art; Palm Beach Jr. College; Florida State Univ.; Mexico City Col.

Exhibited: NAD Ann., NYC, 1965; Young Printmakers 1967 Traveling Exhib., 1967; New Talent Show, Alpha Gal., Boston, 1969; Landscape II, DeCordova Mus., Lincoln, 1971; Food Show, Inst. Contemporary Art, Boston, 1972; Athena Gal., New Haven, CT, 1970s. Awards: purchase prize, Butler IA, 1966; award of merit, Florida State Fair Fine Arts Exhib., 1966 & 1968; purchase prize, DeCordova Mus., Boston Printmakers Exhib., 1971.

Member: Boston Visual Artist's Union; AFA

Work: Butler IA; DeCordova Mus., Lincoln, MA; BMFA; Norton Gal. Contemp. Coll., West Palm Beach; Print Coll., Boston Pub. Lib.

Comments: Preferred media: collages. Publications: contributor, Paula's Dream World of Trains," 1972. Teaching: art instructor, Wheelock College, 1969-72; part-time instructor, Rhode Island College, fall 1972. Art interests: acrylic & aluminum collages.

Sources: WW73; Peter Fierz, "New Talent: James Piskoti, Biron Valier," Kunstnachrichten (Nov., 1969); Robert Taylor, "Biron Valier's Work Tough, Bold," Boston Globe (Nov. 10, 1972); Katherine Nahum, "Biron Valier: Trains of Thought," Newton Times, (Nov. 8, 1972)"
