biography of Giovanni ANDREI (1757-1824)

Birth place: Carrara, Italy

Death place: Wash., DC

Profession: Sculptor

Studied: Italy

Work: With Giuseppi Franzoni: marble sculpture of Ceres and Neptune, 1808; sculptural decorations for Capitol, Wash., D.C. (carved mantels, on east wall of Senate Chamber, c. 1812); decorations for St. Mary's Chapel, Baltimore; lunette for Union Bank, Baltimore (now moved to the Peale Museum, Baltimore)

Comments: Andrei worked with Giuseppe Franzoni (brother-in-law) on the Capitol at Wash., D.C. (requested by U.S. Capitol Architect B.H. Latrobe in 1806) and at Baltimore, 1806-c.1815. Temporarily returned to Italy c.1815, but died at Wash., D.C. His sketch of the House of Representatives, (which shows its destroyed condition due to the British), holds historical significance.

Sources: G&W; Fairman, Art and Artists, 5, 47; Thieme-Becker; Borneman, Franzoni and Andrei." More recently, see Craven, Sculpture in America, 58-60, 61; McMahan, Artists of Washington, D.C.
