biography of Herbert Phillip BARNETT (1910-1972)

Birth place: Providence, RI

Death place: Cincinnati, OH

Addresses: Worcester, MA; Cincinnati, OH

Profession: Painter, draughtsman, educator

Studied: RISD; BMFA Sch.; Europe.

Exhibited: S.Indp.A.; PAFA, 1930-52; GGE, 1939; CI, 1943-46; Corcoran Gal, 1949-55; Springfield Mus. A.; WMAA, 1945 (Hallmark Award); NAD; AIC; MMA; Inst. Mod. A., Boston; Rockport AA; RISD; Phila. A. All.; CM, 1952; Wittenberg Col., 1957; Miami Univ., 1957; Dayton AI. Interior Valley Exh.; U.S. Exh., France; Manchester, N.H. (award); Hallmark International. Solo exhibitions between 1952 and 1961 at the following: WMA; Fleming Mus. A.; Phila. A. All.; Fitchburg A. Center; Grace Horne Gal., Boston; Marie Harriman Gal.; Contemporary A.; Mortimer Levitt Gal., N.Y.Posth. exh.: Cincinnati AM, 1972 (memorial exh.); Bronxville Library, NY, 1974; Fitchburg AM, 1976; New Britain Museum of American Art, 1977; Fleming Mus., 1978; Childs Gallery, Boston, 1979-95; Worcester AM, 1983.

Member: Inst. Mod. A., Boston; Eastern AA.

Work: National Museum of American Art; BMFA; WMA; PAFA; Delaware AM; Fitchburg AM; New Britain Museum of American Art; Fleming Museum, Univ. of Vermont; Univ. of Cincinnati; Art Academy of Cincinnati; Univ. Arizona; Amherst Col.; Randolph-Macon Col.; CM; Ohio State Collection; Town of Rockport, MA; Worcester Historical Soc.

Comments: Positions: instr., p., Univ. Vermont, 1943; Norfolk A. Sch., Yale Univ., 1948; dir., Norfolk A. Sch., 1949; hd., WMA Sch., 1940-51; assoc. prof. art (affiliate), Clark Univ., 1946-51; prof. art (adjunct), Univ. Cincinnati, 1959-72; dean, Art Acad. Cincinnati in 1951-72. Lectures to Natl. Assn. of Schools of Art, 1957, 1960.

Sources: WW66; WW47; Falk, Exhibition Record Series; Peter Barnett, NYC, his son.
