biography of Honoré Desmond SHARRER (1920-2009)

Addresses: New Haven, CT; Millbrook, NY; Coronado, CA; Baltimore, MD; Rochester, NY

Profession: Painter

Studied: Yale Univ., c.1938 (one year); Calif. Sch. of Fine Arts

Exhibited: GGE, 1939-40; San Diego Art Guild, 1941; 48 Sts. Comp., 1939; PAFA Ann., 1952; Knoedler's Gal., 1951 (A Tribute to the Working People"); Corcoran Gal biennials, 1957, 1965; WMAA biennials, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1965"

Work: MoMA; USPO, Worcester, MA

Comments: In the early 1940s when Sharrer was painting public murals depicting working class people, her work came to the attention of Lincoln Kirsten, who bought one of her studies for MoMA. Shortly thereafter, Sharrer began making small paintings in the meticulous manner of the Flemish and early Renaissance masters, in particular emulating Hieronymous Bosch. Her major project was a polyptych made up of five panels, entitled A Tribute to the Working People" (1951, Sara Roby Foundation, NYC), which took over four years to complete and brought her a great deal of attention. Sharrer retreated from the art world for several years, emerging in 1969 to begin showing large satirical works.

Sources: WW66; WW40; Rubinstein, American Women Artists, 302-03; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
