biography of Alicia ATKINSON (1905-?)

Birth place: Brookline, MA

Addresses: North Andover, MA

Profession: Painter, teacher

Studied: BMFA Sch.; ASL; Fontainebleau Sch. Art; Boardman Robinson; Henry Lee McFee

Exhibited: Jr. Lg. Exh., Boston. 1929 (prize), 1931 (prize); PAFA, 1937; Salon des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1938; Gal. Drouant, Paris, 1938 (solo); AGAA, 1939, 1944-45, 1949-52; Grace Horne Gal., Boston, 1939 (solo); Jordan-Marsh, 1943, 1945, 1952, 1958; South County AA, 1944-45, 1949-50, 1954 (prize), 1958 (prize); Fitchburg AA, 1947 (prize); Kraushaar Gal., 1949-51; Margaret Brown Gal., 1949-50; Boston Soc. Indep. Artists, 1950, 1958; Merrimac Valley Exh., 1953 (prize); Copley Art Soc., Boston, 1955 (solo); Vose Gal., 1955; Newport, RI, 1955; Fitchburg AM, 1955; Fontainebleau Alumni Exh., NYC, 1954; Logan Airport, 1958; John Esther Gal., Andover, MA, 1958 (solo); Studio Club, NY, 1958 (solo); St. Gaudens Mem., 1958; Marion (MA) AC, 1959 (solo); Greenwich (CT) AA, 1959 (solo).

Member: ASL; NAWPS

Comments: Lectures: French Impressionists and Cezanne. Position: art dir., Brook School, North Andover, MA, 1936-; art dir., South County AA, Kingston, RI, 1950-55.

Sources: WW59; WW47.
