biography of John BIGGERS (1924-2001)

Birth place: Gastonia, NC

Addresses: Hampton, VA; Houston, TX

Profession: Painter, sculptor, lithographer, illustrator, educator

Studied: Hampton Inst., with Viktor Lowenfeld; Pennsylvania State Univ., M.A., D. Edu.; Univ. So. California.

Exhibited: MOMA,1943; Atlanta Univ., 1944, 1950-53 (purchase awards); VMFA traveling exh., 1945, 1946; Brooklyn Pub. Lib., 1946; Petersburg, Va, 1946.; Mus. FA of Houston, 1950, 1954 (2-man); Contemp. A. Mus., Houston, 1950 (prize), 1953; DMFA, 1952 (prize); NSMP, 1954-1956 (prize 1955); Xavier Univ., 1963; Rockford, IL, Coll., 1965; Denver Museum, 1966-68; Benin Sculpture Exh., 1968; La Jolla Mus., 1970; National Center of Afro-American Artists, 1971; Texas Painting & Sculpture Exh., 1971-72; Black Art gallery, Houston, 1972; also, CAM; SFMA; Portland A. Mus.; BMFA; SAM; Knoedler Gal.

Member: NSMP; Com. on A. Edu., MOMA; American Federation of Arts; Texas Commission of Arts & Humanities; Texas Inst. of Letters

Work: Dallas Mus. of FA; Lubbock (TX) Mus.; Howard Univ.; Atlanta Univ.; Texas Southern Univ.; Pa. State Univ.; Houston Mus. FA. Commissioned murals: Naval Training Sch., Hampton, Va.; Eliza Johnson Home, Houston, Tex.; YWCA, Houston, 1954; Carver H.S., Naples, Tex., 1955; Science Bldg., Texas Southern Univ., Houston, 1958; Labor-Longshoreman's Temple, Houston, 1957. Received UNESCO Fellowship for mural, Study of Life in West Africa," 1957. "

Comments: Position: Prof., Hd. Dept. A., Texas Southern Univ., Houston, Tex.

Sources: WW59; WW47; Cederholm, Afro-American Artists.
