biography of Thomas Maitland CLELAND (1880-1964)

Birth place: Brooklyn, NY

Addresses: Danbury, CT

Profession: Illustrator, designer, painter, craftsperson, lecturer, writer

Exhibited: Boston Soc. A. & Crafts, 1920 (med); AIGA, 1921 (med), 1940 (med); A. Dir. Cl., 1940 (prize); Newberry Lib., Chicago. 1948 (comprehensive of work in all fields).

Member: Arch. Lg.; SI; Boston Soc. A. & Crafts; AIGA; SC; Century Cl.; Double Crown Cl., London, Eng., (hon.).

Comments: Lectures: Book Decoration, MMA. Author/Illustrator: Harsh Words," 1940; "J. B. Bodoni"; "Progress in the Graphic Arts"; Illustrator: "Jonathan Wild," 1943; "Tristram Shandy;" "Tom Jones," 1952; and other books.

Sources: WW59; WW47"
