biography of Eldzier CORTOR (1916-2015)

Birth place: Richmond, VA

Addresses: Chicago, IL, 1947; NYC, 1959

Profession: Painter, lithographer, engraver

Studied: AIC; Inst. Des., Chicago; Columbia Univ.; Pratt Graphic Art Center

Exhibited: Hull House, 1938; LOC, 1940; Whyte Gal., 1940; AIC, 1940-44, 1945 (prize), 1946 (prize), 1948-49; VMFA, 1941; Downtown Gal., 1941; Atlanta Univ., 1943; Smith, 1943; Inst. Mod. A., Boston, 1943; BMA, 1944; Albany Inst. Hist. & A., 1945; Minneapolis Inst. A., 1944; Rochester Mem. A. Gal., 1945; CI, 1945; AFA, 1945; Howard Univ., 1945; Milwaukee AI, 1944; Univ. Illinois, 1950; Univ. Michigan, 1956; BMFA, 1970; Smith-Mason Gallery, Wash., DC, 1971. Awards: Rosenwald F., 1944, 1945; Guggenheim F., 1949; Carnegie Award.

Work: Bd. Edu., Chicago; Whyte Gal.; South Side Community A. Center; Howard Univ.; AFA; IBM; Gothic Press, Chicago; MusÈe du Peuple Hatien, Haiti; Univ. Illinois; Bacardi, Santiago, Cuba; LC; Jackson Gal., N.Y. WPA artist.

Comments: Position: teacher, South Side Community Arts Center, Chicago.

Sources: WW59; WW47. More recently, see Cederholm, Afro-American Artists. Here his place of birth is stated to be Chicago, 1915.
